Cbt And Gambling

4/6/2022by admin


Cbt And Gambling Addiction

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the primary psycho-therapeutic modality for the treatment of disordered gambling; currently, it also is the most broadly utilized primary counseling modality that is supported by randomized controlled clinical trials demonstrating efficacy and improved clinical outcomes (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001). Treating Problem Gambling Samples with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Clinical Trial J Gambl Stud. 2016 Dec;32(4):1305-1325. Doi: 10.1007/s10899-016-9602-1.


Cognitive Behavioral Theory Basics and Beyond, 2nd edition, 2011, Judith Beck
“The leading text for students and practicing therapists”
Unfortunately, the price ($30 – $50) doesn’t work for me, so I can’t tell you if it is helpful.


CBT Simply Explained
You tube search term: CBT simply explained

This is a four-minute long basic introduction to CBT, worthwhile, well done
There are dozens more CBT videos on you tube – this is the best source for CBT information


Articles and Websites:

Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT), Provincial System Support (PSSP), Canada
Web search terms: cbt pssp gambling Ontario

Good overview of how a therapist might use CBT with an addicted gambler. Though, as I said in the chapter on CBT, I believe the CBT therapist should stop claiming that addicted gamblers will somehow be cured when their “faulty thinking” about winning is corrected. The idea that addicted slot machine players don’t know that “in the long run” they will loose, is absurd. They know that, but they also know that this time they might actually win. They know that this time they might even win a jackpot. They know this because they have done it many times in the past. That argument may seem logical, but it is simply not persuasive to the addicted gambler.

Cbt Gambling Worksheets

Cbt and gambling addictionCbt And Gambling

Cbt And Gambling


Gambling Cbt Worksheets

My belief is that the best way to use CBT with addicted gamblers is to learn how to understand and combat urges.

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