Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers

4/8/2022by admin
  1. Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers For Today
  2. Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers Explained

But you are right that trinkets are slot 13 (top trinket) and 14 (bottom) and the macro would be /use 14. If you are not going to macro the trinket with another ability such as Icy Veins (for example) just drag the trinket to your action bar and don't worry about taking up a macro slot. Macro is a tool that has been present in World of Warcraft since its inception. The base concept of a macro is to perform more than one action at a time, in order to easier accomplish a task or really for any reason. All macro commands start with a forward slash ( / ) to separate them from normal text actions. Equipment slots in macros When creating macros based on 'click to use' items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item. Here is a list of the item slot numbers for your character: Head = 1 Neck = 2 Shoulders = 3 Body = 4 (shirt) Chest = 5 Waist = 6 Legs = 7 Feet = 8 Wrist = 9 Hand = 10 Finger1 = 11 Finger2 = 12 Trinket1 = 13 Trinket2 = 14 Back = 15 Mainhand = 16 Offhand = 17 Tabard = 19. Here is a graphical explaination of your character's item slot numbers.

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Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers For Today

Equips an item in your inventory.

You can also use /eq.


This command accepts secure command options. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below. If no conditions are satisfied, no action will be performed.


The name of the item to be equipped.
BagID slot
The bag the item is in (0 is backpack, etc...), and the slot number in that bag (ascending from 1 for top left slot), e.g. '0 1' can be used to equip the first item in your backpack.
Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers


  • This will equip the item in the first available slot that it can be put into (similar to right clicking the item in your bag).
Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers

Wow Macro Equip Slot Numbers Explained

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